This is a tough one to write because I have good and close friends who are split on this issue. Many have dug in their heels.
It’s time to start working together again. As many know, there is a split right now within the ACTUAL conservative movement in Idaho. No, I’m not talking about a split within the Republican party (although as long as we have Dems masquerading as Republicans, we will always have that party split). I’m referring to a new split among what many have called the “liberty” or “grassroots conservative” movement.
The 2024 primary election, and just prior, sort of brought everything to a head. Here’s the thing, conservatives are generally strong-willed, stubborn, and ready to fight for what we believe in… but it is now time to direct that fight to where it truly counts > To the RINOs and Democrats and their agenda which is devastating to America and Idaho.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I will not go into the specifics, and I apologize for talking in generalizations. But during the primary season there were some who supported one candidate for what they call pragmatic reasons and others who supported another candidate for what they call principled reasons. There was also a breakup within the Idaho Freedom Caucus due to a few disagreements and personality conflicts.
Many feelings have been shattered and I totally get it. It’s tough. Many people, good people, have drawn their battle lines against those who were their friends. Motives have been assigned. Friend groups have been assumed. But here’s the kicker… we are truly on the same side. This isn’t even Reagan’s 80/20 rule, this is more like 96% we agree, 4% we don’t.
It’s time to work together. It’s time to stop assigning motives to those we disagreed with in the primary about one candidate. It’s time to stop having knee-jerk responses to someone because they took a position or supported another person. It’s time to stop trying to get that “dig” in just to make the point against “the other side.”
For many, it may be time to just swallow their pride.
It’s time we start acting like adults again, and that includes myself.
If we don’t, it WILL impact legislation. It WILL impact this movement. It WILL impact Idaho…
And all in a negative way.
It is OK to disagree with our friends. It truly is. It is not ok to assign motives to them or make assumptions about them that may not be true.
Let’s focus on our conservative principles and work together to protect them and let’s stop burning bridges we will likely need very soon.